Welcome to the tutorial on using the DTV Letters Generator in Property Filter, a tool that leverages the capabilities of ChatGPT to enhance your direct-to-vendor deal sourcing. This innovative feature is designed to save you hours of work by generating a complete campaign of tailored letters. Here's how you can utilize this feature to your advantage:
Accessing the DTV Letters Generator:
Log into your Property Filter account.
Navigate to your sorting pipeline and select a property you're interested in.
On the property details page, locate the DTV Letters Generator section, which is powered by ChatGPT.
Generating Letters:
Open the Letters Template Generator.
Choose the focus of your letters based on the seller's motivation (e.g., price reduction, back on the market, multiple agents).
Click on the relevant focus button to generate a series of four letters.
Each letter is timed to be sent at specific intervals: immediately, in 2 weeks, in 4 weeks, and in 8 weeks.
Customising and Using the Letters:
Once generated, review the letters and make any necessary tweaks to personalise them.
Copy the content of each letter to your clipboard.
Paste the content into a word processor like Microsoft Word for any final adjustments.
Print or digitally send the letters to the property owners.
Managing Generator Credits:
Property Filter provides a credit system for using this feature, with 100 credits available per month.
Each generation of a letter set uses one credit. Keep track of your usage through the 'Generator Credits Usage' indicator.
Storing and Revisiting Generated Letters:
Generated letters for a property are stored under the DTV Letters Generator section for easy access.
You can revisit and copy these letters at any time for different properties or for repeated use.
Next Steps:
Experiment with this feature on different properties to see how it can streamline your direct-to-vendor campaigns.
Remember, the key is to get your letters out there - perfection can come later.