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How to access online adverts on the main property portals from the Property Details Page?
How to access online adverts on the main property portals from the Property Details Page?
Updated over a week ago

Have you wondered why the other online advert portals are not showing when you click the "Open online adverts for <this postcode>"? Although your browser lets you open Rightmove adverts, but it's not opening OnTheMarket and Zoopla's adverts.

Don't worry, I got you!


With this ONE Simple Step, you read it right, you'll activate these pop-ups in no time. And you only have to do this ONCE!

Once you've clicked the "Open online adverts for <this postcode>," an icon will appear in your website address. All you have to do is to click this icon and choose "Always allow pop-ups and redirects from" then click Done.

You're all set! If you click "Open online adverts" again in the future, all three portals will open right away!


It's almost the same with Firefox Browser, after you've clicked the "Open online adverts", a message just below the website address will appear. Just click the "Option" then choose "Allow pop-ups for"

Next time you click the "Open online adverts," it will automatically open up the 3 portals for you!


This one is the same with Google Chrome's. After you've clicked the "Open online adverts for <this postcode>," an icon will appear in your website address. All you have to do is to click this icon and choose "Always alow pop-ups and redirects from" then click Done.


This one is the same with Google Chrome's. After you've clicked the "Open online adverts for <this postcode>," an icon will appear, located to the right side of your website address. All you have to do is to click this icon and choose "Always alow pop-ups and redirects from" then click Done.

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